
errors on creation of Supply order Documents


Query errors on creation of Supply order Documents - Requisition, Invoice, etc.

SELECT h.SUPPLY_ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER, h.header_id SupplyOrderNumber , h.SUPPLY_ORDER_SOURCE , l.Line_number || '.' || tl.TRACKING_LINE_NUMBER tLine, m.message_text , m.MESSAGE_NAME , m.TOKEN_NAME_A , m.TOKEN_VALUE_A , m.TOKEN_NAME_B , m.TOKEN_VALUE_B , m.TOKEN_NAME_C , m.TOKEN_VALUE_C FROM fusion.dos_supply_tracking_lines tl, fusion.dos_messages_v m , fusion.dos_supply_headers h , fusion.dos_supply_lines l WHERE m.processing_entity_type (+) = 'TLINE' AND m.processing_entity_id (+) = tl.tracking_line_id AND l.header_id = h.header_id AND tl.header_id = h.header_id AND TL.LINE_ID = L.LINE_ID AND h.SUPPLY_ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER IN ('&SOURCE_ORDER') ORDER BY h.SUPPLY_ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER, l.Line_number