
Supply Order Interface data


Query the Supply Order Interface data for the Sales Order - This informs SCO that a SCO order is to be created.

SELECT I.INTERFACE_BATCH_NUMBER , I.LINE_INTERFACE_ID , i.interface_source_code intf , i.supply_order_source src , h.supply_order_reference_number , H.SUPPLY_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID , i.supply_order_reference_line_id reflineid, i.process_status sts , i.supply_type supply , i.inventory_item_id item , i.quantity qty , i.supply_operation oprn , i.supply_order_header_id supplyheader , i.creation_date , i.process_status , m.message_text , m.MESSAGE_NAME , m.TOKEN_NAME_A , m.TOKEN_VALUE_A , m.TOKEN_NAME_B , m.TOKEN_VALUE_B , m.TOKEN_NAME_C , m.TOKEN_VALUE_C FROM fusion.dos_supply_lines_int i, fusion.dos_messages m , fusion.dos_supply_headers_int h WHERE m.processing_entity_type(+) = 'INTERFACE_LINE' AND m.processing_entity_id(+) = i.line_interface_id AND i.header_interface_id = h.header_interface_id AND h.supply_order_reference_number IN ('&SOURCE_ORDER') ORDER BY h.SUPPLY_ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER, I.LINE_INTERFACE_ID , i.creation_date ASC;